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One-Day Classes

One-Day Classes

One-Day Class:

Marian Hirsch
Success with Sketchbooks

Date: Saturday, August 24, 2024

Time: 9:30 am-3:30 pm

Venue: Marsh Lane Baptist Church,

10716 Marsh Lane

Dallas, TX 75229

Price: $100 for members/$115 for non-members

Click here to register for this class:

Marian Hirsch One-Day Class - 8/24/2024
Registration opens on 6/13 at 9:00am

Sketchbooks provide the perfect place to record your observations and an opportunity to practice your painting and sketching skills before using your good watercolor paper.

Watercolor requires confidence in handling the medium and that takes practice, so utilizing a sketchbook is a great habit to get into. They can act as a portable studio for trips – whether to the backyard or to another country.

They serve as an ongoing workbook and your personalized course in watercolor. Working from life and in your sketchbook helps to hone your observations skills. The better you draw, then better you paint.

Marian Hirsch is a full time professional artist and devotes time to on-location painting capturing the ever-changing color and light of the world we live in. Her plein air studies provide the foundation for her color rich pastel landscapes, which are composed and created in her studio. She is an accomplished artist moving seamlessly between multiple mediums.


Her artwork is included in numerous corporate collections such as Ford Motor Company, AT&T, Mary Kay Cosmetics, Merrill Lynch, Lucent Technologies, Cap Gemini Ernst & Young, Dallas Business Journal and Verizon Wireless. Articles about her paintings have been published in Artist's Magazine, American Artist, International Artist Magazine and the Pastel Journal. She is included in the book 200 Great Painting Ideas for Artists by North Light Books.A speaker at the 2001 International Association of Pastel Societies conference, she regularly demonstrates for local art groups. Teaching provides another venue for sharing her artistic spirit and skills.


A special invitation was extended to paint at the Ronald Reagan Ranch in California with a group of artists selected by Pastel International Magazine. The artist has resided in the North Texas area since graduating from Southern Methodist University with a degree in Fine Art.

If you have any questions, please contact the class coordinator Monica Bell at

Registration opens on 6/13 at 9:00am.
Click here to register:

Marian Hirsch One-Day Class - 8/24/2024


One-Day Class:

Trish Poupard
Value Study Portraits

Date: Saturday, June 22, 2024

Time: 9:30 am-3:30 pm

Venue: Marsh Lane Baptist Church,

10716 Marsh Lane

Dallas, TX 75229

Price: $100 for members/$115 for non-members

Click here to register

Trish Poupard "Value Study Portraits" 6/22/2024

Trish Poupard Supply List-6/22/24

Trish Poupard 1
Trish Poupard Painting 1
Trish Poupard Painting 2
Tricia Poupard will teach “Value Study Portraits,” an SWS one-day class on Saturday, June 22. Trish’s class will enable beginners and experienced artists alike to learn to paint monotone portraits, teaching them how to limit colors to focus on value for greater impact.

Trish’s technique uses value study print outs that she provides to participants. Participants can bring reference photos of their own if they send Trish the photo they would like to work on before Saturday, June 15. All participants should first attempt the class subject for moving on to their own. Participants can bring their supplies (see list below). Also, Trish will have the class supplies available for purchase if she is contacted by June 15th at her cell phone (626) 862-9869 or email

“I want to make sure this class is easy so students can be successful,” Trish said. “We will use limited color – almost like a sketch – to teach participants how not to be afraid of portraits. Value is key because I think light is really the only reason to paint.”

Trish has been painting in transparent watercolor for 12+ years with numerous acceptances into national and international exhibitions and many awards won. Before beginning her career in fine art painting, she spent 14 years as a successful clothing designer in Los Angeles, California. She is a self-taught artist who learned watercolor techniques by taking local watercolor classes and workshops.

In addition to being a signature member of SWS, she is a signature member of the Pittsburgh Watercolor Society (PWSA), the Society of Watercolor Artists (SWA), the South Carolina Watermedia Society (SCWS), the Texas Watercolor Society (TWS), the Transparent Watercolor Society of America (TWSA) and Watercolor West (WW).
Creating realistic paintings through transparent watercolor is how Trish translates the light captured from images from her own photos. Her work is completely transparent with darks achieved by layering multiple washes. She considers herself a watercolor purist and does not use any form of masking or masking fluid to save the whites in her paintings, but instead uses negative painting skills as she saves the white of the paper to depict white in her paintings.

Inspiration strikes often and Trish paints a multitude of subjects including florals, landscapes, skyscapes, seascapes, figures, and portraits. The techniques from this portrait class translate well to other subjects. Her work evolves as she finds interest in new subjects and tries out new techniques.

The class will be at Marsh Lane Baptist Church’s community room, 10716 Marsh Lane in Dallas, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Participants can bring their lunch for a 30-minute break from 12:30 – 1 p.m. and utilize the refrigerator and microwave in the adjacent kitchen.

The cost for the class is $100 for SWS members and $115 for non-members.

In the event of cancellation, refunds will be given if a replacement can be found by the participant or from a waitlist. If you have any questions, please contact Gail Chandler at

Click here to register:
Trish Poupard "Value Study Portraits" One-Day Class - 6/22/2024

Trish Poupard Supply List-6/22/24

Michael Holter Self Portrait 1

One-Day Class:


Michael Holter
Expressive Landscapes


Date: Saturday, November 9, 2024

Time: 9:00 am-4:00pm


Venue: Marsh Lane Baptist Church,

10716 Marsh Lane

Dallas, TX 75229


Price: $100 for members/$115 for non-members
Registration is not yet open for this class. 

Michael Holter Landscape 1
Michael Holter Truck
We're very excited to offer a special one-day class with Michael Holter, AWS, NWS, TWSA, SWS. This Plano-based, award-winning American impressionist will lead participants in creating "Expressive Landscapes" on Saturday, May 4th at Marsh Lane Baptist Church from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

A highly regarded instructor and longtime, active SWS member, Michael works in watercolor and oil. His paintings can be found in private and corporate collections in the U.S. and several other countries. He is a member of the Salmagundi Club, a signature member of the American Watercolor Society, The National Watercolor Society, The American Impressionist Society, The Watercolor Honor Society, The Transparent Watercolor Society of America, The Outdoor Painter Society, the Southwestern Watercolor Society, The Society of Watercolor Artists and more. Read more and see more of his works at

About the "Expressive Landscapes" class, he says "This workshop will focus on the use of watercolor to paint exciting impressionistic paintings. You paint from a variety of landscape references and will explore the use of light and shadow to create interesting compositions and achieve dynamic results.

Michael Holter Landscape 2

"We will examine the fundamentals of watercolor painting to assure that all students are familiar with the techniques. We will discuss and apply the principles and elements of design so they will be woven into your painting experience. This will be an opportunity to develop a loose and impressionistic technique while keeping your subject strongly in focus."


SWS one-day classes are held in the Marsh Lane Baptist Church community room with nearby parking. Participants can bring lunch and use the adjacent kitchen with a refrigerator and microwave. Reference photos and a supply list will be provided later. If you have any questions, please contact Gail Chandler at or 972-948-8465.

****Registration is not yet open for this class.


A $100 deposit is required to reserve a place in our Multi-Day Workshops. Payment in full is required for our One-Day Classes.


In addition to the traditional schedule of three-day workshops with nationally ranked artists, SWS has initiated a second instructional schedule of one-day classes with noted local artists.


The one-day local classes will offer watercolorists the opportunity to broaden their experience under the guidance of accomplished local artists.

Workshop enrollment is typically limited to 15-20 participants. Reservations are accepted in the order in which they are received. Wait lists are also formed in the order that requests are received.

There is no deposit with one-day classes. Payment will be made in full at the time of registration and the workshop refund policy will be followed.

If you have questions or wish to cancel your registration in a one-day class, please contact Gail Chandler,, or Irina Kartunov at


Workshop enrollment is limited typically limited to a maximum of 20 participants. Reservations are accepted in the order in which they are received. Wait lists are also formed in the order that requests are received.

A $100 deposit per workshop must accompany the signup to reserve a space. Confirmation of enrollment will be sent upon receipt of the deposit (or full payment). The deposit is non-transferable to any other person or workshop.

Balance of payment is due one month before the workshop start date and if not received by that date, the student may lose his/her place.

If you have questions or wish to cancel your registration in a workshop, please contact workshops@swswatercolor.

Cancellation/Refund Policy

The cancelling member shall contact the Workshop Coordinator as soon as possible to facilitate replacement.  The SWS wait list has first priority over other students who are not on the wait list.

Upon a student’s cancellation of a workshop at least one month prior to the start date of the workshop, the workshop fee is 100% refundable.

Upon a student’s cancellation of a workshop less than one month prior to the start date of the workshop, the entire fee is refundable only if the space if filled and paid for.  If the space is not filled and paid for, the workshop fees are refundable, less the $100 deposit.

Once the workshop begins, there are no refunds for no-shows or withdrawals.

SWS reserves the right to cancel workshops due to insufficient enrollment or other reasons.  If SWS cancels a workshop, applicants will receive a full refund.

If you have questions or wish to cancel your registration in a one-day class, please contact Gail Chandler,, or Monica Bell, .

If you have questions or wish to cancel your registration in a workshop, please contact